
What people are saying

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Women in Blue

Essential viewing.

Kent Turner, Film-Forward

WOMEN IN BLUE reminds us that women officers are statistically way less likely to be involved in excessive force situations. This is a compelling look at a group of women who are dedicated to their job and transforming the department.

Mike McGranaghan, The Aisle Seat

An unflinching study of a complex situation, showing gray areas where often only black and white are seen.

Peter Keough, The Boston Globe

WOMEN IN BLUE gives us some early clues that there was something dreadfully wrong going on in the Minneapolis Police Department

Stephen Silver, Splice Today

WOMEN IN BLUE is not only about the role of women, but the deep problem of race, all jumbled with the tremendously hard job of policing itself.

Howie Movshovitz, KUNC Radio

Fishel’s doc will serve as a valuable reminder that women should be represented in leadership roles from the start.

David Ehrlich, IndieWire


A powerful tale of dedication...through the eyes of workers and clients.

The Huffington Post

Every frame of CARE bursts with pathos and humanity.

Screen Comment

Passionate, intimate, uplifting and yet at the same time heart-breaking and profoundly chilling…CARE is Deirdre Fishel’s captivating look at homecare in the U.S.A.

Martin Parson, Fohnhouse

An indictment of the system…(and) a celebration of those who do this vital but unheralded work.

Daniel Palmer, The State of the Arts

There is sensitivity and human dignity even in the most vulnerable moments. The powerful images and intimate confessions never feel exploitative. Fishel has a talent for rescuing human values.

Tiago Di Mauro, D Movies

Raising a lot of questions, CARE forces us to ponder how we are going to live out our remaining years, especially if we don’t have family who can or are willing to help us out…the bells this film set off in me make it very hard for me to talk about, this is one of the most thought-provoking films at DOC NYC (this year).

Steve Kopian, Unseen Films

With exquisite sensitivity, CARE deftly weaves the stories of two elderly women and two chronically disabled men with those of the four women paid to care for them. In spite of the geographic, racial, income, and ethnic diversity of the subjects, their struggles spring from a single source: the lack of value given to care. There are many deeply affecting moments of compassion and human connection in CARE. Surrendering to the care of others requires immense courage and faith in the basic kindness of strangers. Preserving the dignity of another person, even when it means heartbreak, loss, and, living in a shelter, is a heroic act. Our need for each other emerges as the defining transcendent mark of our common humanity.

Riane Eisler and Valerie Jung, Huffington Post

Still Doing It

The STILL DOING IT premiere was one of the most provocative evenings in the history of our Television Documentary Festival. As our senior population begins to swell, STILL DOING IT will remain ever relevant, the definitive documentary on aging and sexuality.

Ron Simon, Curator, The Museum of Television & Radio

STILL DOING IT is a hoot, a blast of energy, and an irreverent challenge to the ageism harbored by just about everyone in our youth-obsessed culture.

Amy Taubin, reviewer for The Village Voice

STILL DOING IT works to shatter stereotypes while celebrating old age. It’s touching, humorous and, most of all, gives an aging nation hope for more fun in the future.

John McMurtrie, San Francisco Chronicle

As the baby boomers, the most influential generation in history, age there will be a revolution in the very meaning of aging. This country desperately needs new images that celebrate the truth about what older age can be. The nine amazing women in STILL DOING IT challenge antiquated, ageist notions revealing lives filled with romance, revelations and personal growth. This is a truly important film.

Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D., author of Agewave and Age Power